here are a few of my favorites from the setouchi art festival. the first 2 are from the island of ogijima. this one is about water, and one of several scattered site installations.
i really enjoyed this approach; wondering around the small pathways and coming across separate parts of the same work was a great experience. this is one part of the work
'rainly lane' by kyoko taniyama
this is a photo from the above website; i didn't actually see it when it was 'raining'.

the main part of the work is here, where at certain times, water is released from the pipes above, through the assortment of vessels, and only these tiles that are on the ground.

the tiles have statements of the islands' residents comments about water printed on them (in japanese and english).

onba factory was my other favorite work from ogijima. 'onba' is a local word for stroller/baby carraige, and the elderly residents of this hilly island use small carts to carry things around. the onba factory is a cooperative activity of 5 regional artists, and includes a workspace (they take turns using it) and a cafe with an amazing veiw of the ocean. i may have forgotten to take a photo of the view since i was enjoying some really superb coffee.

it's a little hard to see in the photo, but these are photos of the local residents--with their onbas remade by the onba factory!

each one is totally unique.

i also loved these new wooden onbas for kids-ladybug (wings lift for copious storage) and fly.

these caterpiller mechanisms work when pushed, so it's like a huge bike chain making an inchworm motion.

check out the buggy logo.
seirensho is a stunning site on inushima. a former copper refinery has become an architectural installion and exhibit space. it joins the other museums on naoshima (and now teshima) islands as part of the benesse art site.

it's a beautiful use and modification of an old industrial space, with very thoughful additions of a new building, which incorporates passive heating and cooling in a completely elegant way. it remains open as a museum even after the end of the festival.

finally 'les archives du coeur' by christian boltanski, the official description is
here. this is one project that i definitely wanted not to miss! this also will remain as a long term installation. this building is like a small musuem, with exterial walls of charred cedar, a tradition esthetic in the area.

the project is an archive of heartbeats; the main intallation space is a dark room, with mirrors on the walls, and one bare lightbulb. the sounds of one heartbeat (which changes) is played at a greatly amplified volumn, and the light bulb flickers along with the heartbeat.

it's very cleanly curated, with the idea of this being an archive carried throughout, including the white lab coats of all the staff. including the uniform raincoat of this woman who was in charge of organizing the outdoor waiting line. the archive part of the installation is that there are 2 sound recording studios where you can record the sound of your own heartbeat and purchase it on CD; your heartbeat is thereby added to the archive.

there's also a listening station, where you can hear heartbeats from the archive, in this little room with the window (above).

this is the view from the listing room. it's a lovely site, intentionally remote.
Must have been a wonderfull trip! I enjoyed your story.
Love, Riet :)
thanks for this post. i love the raining pails with the inscribed rocks.
love the onbas! what an inspiring trip... :)
Onba Factory is definitely my favorite element of the festival (actually I arrived on your blog looking for stuff about Onba Factory). I got to talk with Mr. Oshima, the Factory's "boss" and he as well as his colleagues understand the souls of the Seto islands better than any other artists. The fact that they're locals help though.
Btw, I hate doing this, but the French teacher in me can't help it. It's "Les Archives du Cœur" ;-)
A great inspiration to visit! Love your post. Thank you
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