Monday, August 09, 2010

july 4th sunday kamigamo shrine market

here's a few photos from last month's 4th sunday market at kamigamo shrine. these sweet litte cases are for holding a hanko (japanese name stamp-which is used instead of official signatures).

original characters in festival (right) or swimming (left) garb.

one of my favorite things about this market is the setting--kamigamo shrine is next to some lovely natural surroundings, and the craft market winds around through the trees and near the stream. i've added this photos to my kamigamo market flickr set.


Jen Hui said...

I'm Jennifier, from Hong Kong,
I will be visiting Tokyo soon,
Do you know any handmade market will be in Tokyo between 14 August-19 August?
Thank you very very much!


Lisa said...

I'd love to visit that market

liz said...

i'm sorry i don't know about markets in tokyo.

if you ever have the chance, i recommend it!

Anonymous said...

hi that's where i wanna go when i go back to japan!
is it only in summer??
where can i find the info about the market??


liz said...

i have more information about handmade markets in kyoto on the felt cafe japan website here: