Wednesday, December 01, 2010

train leaving the station

how is it already december? anyway, here we go! this is the train i took after work today.

i haven't tried to blog daily for quite a while now, but i was just thinking i'd like to do that again, and also show more photos from my daily life here in japan. and then i saw that nablopomo's theme for december is zeitgeist, which is perfect!

of course, i'll keep posting about crafty artsy and japanese goodies of all kinds. what about you? what kinds of posts would you like to see more of here? i'd love to hear from you in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:39 AM

    The one thing I miss majorly from Japan is the wonderful, wonderful food! I also love the little memory shots in my head of the old men in the square crouching for hours chatting and the ladies working in the markets. Oh, and the teenagers - their style and outrageousness makes me envy their confidence!
    I love being reminded of my time there x
