Friday, January 01, 2010

goodbye 2009

this is the special fire from yasuka shrine; people light straw rope from this fire, and carry it home with them to cook the first meal of the new year.
lanterns at the shrine on new years eve.
view from kiyomizudera.

my 2009 saw a lot of big changes, including moving back to japan, starting a new program at the university here, and opening up felt cafe japan! last year had its share of ups and downs, but in the end i feel so grateful and lucky. and now that i've settled into my life here a little bit, there are lots of things that i'm excited about for 2010.


  1. I love the lighting of the straw rope to take the fire home to cook their first meal. Happy New Year!

  2. Looks like an incredible place to start 2010!
