i am so excited to tell you that i redesigned the felt cafe japan shop, and it's now right there on the felt cafe japan website. also, it's full of these wonderful wooden block sets from muji! the supply of these wooden cities (and countries, and modes of transportation) in a bag is severely limited.
kyoto, including daimonji mountains.
tokyo, with the tokyo tower, and the temple with the big lantern in asakusa.
new york, love the guggenheim.
london, including the gerkin.
barcelona has the barcelona pavillion by mies! love it.
italy, including fiats and gondolas.
railroad station
and safari animals, in the cleverest little habitat box ever.
it was fun to do a little web design, and i have to give a shout out to squarespace. even though i am an abject beginner, eventually i could figure out what was and was not possible, and how to make what i wanted, and in the end feel like i learned something. woot.
and, today is my last day of daily posting for november! i did it! any other nablopomo folks out there? i really have enjoyed getting into the habit of daily posting, maybe i will try to keep it going for december. i feel like i have 30 more posts in the back of my head already!
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