Saturday, November 21, 2009

current inspiration-needle felting embroidery book

i am so inspired by this book. maybe it's just my recent fascination with embroidery combined with my long love of felt, but i think the combination is brilliant. just added to the shop.

i've tried something similar on my own several years ago, but this method (these are the how-to photos from the book) show a very precise process of needlefelting directly onto the fabric, and then applying some soap and water to get a more smoothly felted surface...
and then the final details and touches with the felting needle.

there are so many detailed and colorful projects; there's a full flickr set here:
i want to try this technique as soon as possible, maybe on something with a holiday theme...


  1. This looks like so much fun! I have never tried needle felting but, this looks pretty easy.
    Thank you.
    : )

  2. wow that lovely, Now I have to try that
