the first new needle felting book i want to share with you is this one, 'small dogs' isbn 9784277563185.
these puppies are seriously cute, and tiny.
a full flickr set of all the dogs is here:
this is a new japanese needle felting book-'cute small felt animal friends', isbn 9784529047579.
it's filled with sweet original wee needle felted characters.
the full flickr set for 'cute small felt animal friends' is here:
this next book, 'small animals made of felt' isbn 9784072689035,
is a reprinting of this book which is now out of print, isbn 9784277563130. the 2 books have the same projects, just a new cover for the new version.
the full flickr set for 'small animals made of felt' is here:
this book, 'cute animals' isbn 9784072689103, is also a new reissue of this book:animal mascots, small animal mascots made of wool', isbn 9784277563109.
this book is also the same projects as the now out of print version, with just a new cover.
the full flickr set of 'cute animals' is here:
these books are all available in my shop, and my flickr needle felting book collection is here:
had to cover my mouth to stop from screaming from the cuteness! I have the Animal Mascots, but I think I'm going to have to run to Kinokuniya at lunch to buy the others, so adorable!!!