Saturday, April 04, 2009

parker house rolls

these are my first attempt at parker house rolls from last week. i used this recipe, multiplied by 1.5. the results were pretty tasty. the recipe is meant for a stand mixer, which i used and definitely made it easier. and then i also kneaded it by hand for 5 minutes like they said to. i think i rolled out the dough a little thinner than called for, and next time i will leave it thicker. they were super soft and puffy, perhaps because a 1.5 batch has 3 packets of yeast!


  1. Thanks for the link to the recipe...those look delicous! I'm excited for you and your move to Japan! Crongratulations! Altho you started your sale right after I realised I couldn't buy anymore fabric/craft supplies until I had finished a few projects...

  2. Hi. The bread looks super yummy (drool). Hope you are doing well!
