Friday, March 13, 2009

eco-earrings by cynthia del giudice

eco-earrings , originally uploaded by Cynthia Del Giudice.

i'm off to portland for the weekend, and i am so excited to see some old friends and some cool stuff.

before i leave, i wanted to share this amazing jewelry by cythina del guidice, from argentina. they are made of fused plastic grocery bags! using fused plastic to make this and that and totes and jackets has been going on for a while, but this use of the material is the best i've seen.

she sells these and other lovely jewelry in her etsy shop:

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:19 PM

    WOw! it looks like paper!
    A fellow argentinean! Im going to check out her shop!
    Have a nice trip!
