Saturday, February 02, 2008

sayonara sale sunday

i am starting to get ready to return to the u.s. at the end of march. i am here in japan on an 18 month research exchange program, and the next step for me is to return to seattle and turn in my masters thesis. of course, i am both excited to go home, and sad to leave japan.

mostly i am just trying to get everything done-research, thesis, little trips, spending time with friends, and of course crafting!

and, as any crafter knows, a craft stash makes moving more fun! (just kidding). so in the japanese tradition, i thought i would hold a wee sayonara (good-bye) sale on this blog.

today's item: adorable wooden blocks from my favorite store-muji.

currently available sets are: countryside, hong kong, london, new york. they each come in a small cloth bag, and include distinctive landmarks/buildings/vehicles. the tallest buildings are about 10 cm, and the cars and animals are 1-2 cm. they are not safe for small children.

i'm asking $15 each, which includes international airmail shipping.
if you are interested, please send an email to feltcafeATgmail. thanks! hong konghong kong
new york

1 comment:

  1. I love these, i have the london one. :)
    god bless muji....
