Monday, March 05, 2007

spinning wheel obsession

the woolery now has the above image on their site, a comparison of 4 folding wheels on the market. the little one on the right is the louet victoria, also known as the object of my desire! isn't it adorable? i think i want this wheel. i know, i know, i should learn to spin first, and i should try out different first spinning class isn't for another 3 weeks, good thing i am taking a trip in the meantime to keep myself distracted. but in japan, the only wheel i know for sure i can get here is the ashford joy (far left). oh, what to do. i'm going to try to be patient. i've read some great reviews of the victoria. the only thing i wonder about is the ability to spin bulky yarns (what's the difference between bulky and novelty? before i pretty much gave up knitting for felting i loved to knit with bulky yarn, so i would imagine i might want to spin them too). is any input is welcome!


  1. Anonymous6:18 PM

    I'd say a bulky yarn is smoother, less 'thick and thin' than a novelty yarn. Novelty yarns also tend to have things like sparkly stuff or other fibers in them.
    Spinning is fun...soothing and wooly.

  2. Anonymous5:50 PM

    I have the Lendrum (second from the right) and absolutely love it. It comes with two different flyers, normal size and a larger 'plying' head for spinning bulky yarns. Very high quality wheel and made by Gordon Lendrum in Canada.
